UPSURGE Project Group Meeting in Belfast

On September 18-20, 2024, the UPSURGE project partners met in Belfast, Northern Ireland. During the three-day Project Group Meeting, held at Queen’s University Belfast, all work packages were discussed in detail. The partners presented the results of their activities, clarified doubts and exchanged experiences. There was also an opportunity to see a realized example of the application of nature-based solutions NBS in the form of a Community Garden.

The first day was devoted to the presentation of demo cities that showed the effects of NBS’ implementing, the challenges accompanying the process and the difficulties overcome in achieving the expected results. Katowice’s green bus stops, a green corridor along a Maribor stream, Budapest’s rain gardens, a Belfast community garden and greenery planned in Breda are examples of unique implementations, equipped with special sensors measuring, among other things, the level of air pollution or the temperature at the site of an urban heat island. All of these solutions are the result of cooperation with citizens at every stage of NBS’s implementation. Presentations on the activities implemented by the Place Labs in five participating cities, a workshop with representatives of the Competence Groups and a visit to the demonstration area concluded that day.

The following days showcased the degree of progress in the various work packages, namely the catalogue of NBS’s applicable to improving air quality and climate neutrality, the installation, operation and analysis of measurement results obtained from the sensor system, and the use of digital tools, including mobile applications or websites in achieving the project’s goals. Tools for urban regeneration activities were also discussed in detail, including, for example, modelling mechanisms or assessment of ecosystem services. Also presented was the so-called Clearinghouse – a support mechanism for cities, which is a knowledge base and advisory services. Finally, the promotion and dissemination of the project’s results were discussed, focusing on showing the indicators achieved and activities implemented, as well as further plans for the effective dissemination of the project’s results.

The meeting was held in an amazing university venues, in a very good atmosphere, accompanied by constructive discussions. As the Advisory Board representatives attending the meeting confirmed, we have already achieved a lot, but there is also a lot to do. So we’re back to work encouraging you to follow the UPSURGE project’s further achievements.

We sincerely thank our partner Queen’s University Belfast for the great and professional organization of the meeting!
