UPSURGE bridges the gap between the existing knowledge base on Nature Based Solutions and their step-by-step practical implementation for regenerative development of cities focusing on air pollution alleviation and climate neutrality.

Our main aim is to reroute cities and fast forward their regenerative transition benefiting from the potential of Nature Based Solutions (NBS).
UPSURGE is the response to the challenges faced by cities in their efforts to decrease the impacts of urban existence on climate change, mitigate air pollution and its health effects and reduce climate change stressors
To help European cities enter the regenerative transition pathway, UPSURGE will provide an EU Urban Regenerative Lighthouse to serve as a reference framework and a reference network to accelerate, transfer and upscale the use of NBS and mainstream them into the agenda of urban policies through co-creation and co-design processes with citizens and other stakeholders.
UPSURGE will provide fit for problem NBS together with supportive digital, and governance solutions for urban space regeneration deployed and tested in 5 real life demo cities in Europe.
Fit-for-purpose NBS solutions
Performance proven nature based solutions for air pollution alleviation and climate neutrality applications.
Digital Solutions
Evidence-based tools for demonstrating NBS effects to decision and policy makers and citizens coupled with a digital ecosystem facilitating citizen digital services for citizens, the cities and public and private investors.
Governance Solutions
Planning, implementing and managing regenerative transition processes more effectively to satisfy the needs of citizens and businesses while benefiting from the potential of NBS for meeting urban sustainability goals.