Partner description
CENTOURIS is an institute of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems at the University of Passau. It successfully combines scientific expertise with profound knowledge of entrepreneurial practice. Focusing on data collection, data analysis, consulting and implementation support, the institute’s interdisciplinary team works on a variety of different project topics.
The work centers on the collection and analysis of high-quality data. In close consultation with clients and project partners, CENTOURIS develops customized research approaches and offers packages of questionnaire design, sampling, data collection and data processing services, which can be supplemented with data analyses and results presentations. This approach allows CENTOURIS to gain the greatest possible insight from the data obtained, in compliance with all legal and ethical standards. This, in turn, provides well-founded results and a sound decision-making basis for various target groups and addressees.
CENTOURIS is closely linked to local and international players in politics, science and business, and the institute can look back on a long history of successful cooperation at home and abroad. CENTOURIS have decades of expertise in applying for national and EU-wide funding projects as well as a wealth of experience in their coordination and implementation.
Partner involvement in the UPSURGE project
As citizens are the ultimate end-users of the implemented NBS in the demo cities, they will be placed at the center of the innovation process e.g. by building UPSURGE Place Labs. CENTOURIS – with its profound knowledge in market research and assessing social impacts – will build the conceptual basis for stakeholder’s involvement and will accompany the process of co-creation in demo cities. Furthermore, CENTOURIS supports the development of KPIs with a focus on socio-economic aspects and conducts surveys to assess the social impact of NBS after their implementation in the participating cities.