Partner description
The Global Change Ecology Centre (GCE) studies the response of ecosystems to environmental change, both in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We particularly aim to:
- Conduct fundamental ecological research, that is subsequently applied to develop nature-based solutions for global change mitigation and adaptation.
- Assess interactive global change effects, by investing strongly in advanced infrastructure for experimentation and observation.
- Step out with our science, investing strongly in science communication and citizen science.
Partner involvement in the UPSURGE project
Within UPSURGE, GCE will be mainly involved in the pioneer implementation of negative carbon emission techniques in the proposed city infrastructures. To this end, we will study the potential to embed negative emission techniques (NETs) in one or more urban green demonstration projects, through application of enhanced weathering techniques, while also enhancing a suite of ecosystem services and SDG’s. To implement an integrated ecosystem services (ES) assessment, we will use the ECOPLAN-SE platform, that is able to assess different ecosystem services (ES) at a high spatial resolution.