Partner description
BURST stands for ‘Bright URban Solutions Team’ and has been brought to life by a team of senior experts from the Netherlands, Hungary and Slovenia. The basis of thier joint cooperation is a common approach on how to address urban challenges of the 21st century. In order to generate genuine change across an entire urban system, they design progressive, holistic solutions.
In order for real change to take place in a city with profound influence on urban life, partnering up intensively with local communities is essential. Successful mapping, anticipation, planning and sustainable implementation of any change begins and ends with the people involved.
The key to make a city ready for the future is to find the capacity to involve citizens and to integrate all policy sectors into the process. The more interaction there is between actors, the more precisely the needs of citizens are embedded into urban development plans and all related implementation strategies.
In order for cities to become future-proof, their residents must be incited to become forerunners in terms of responsible living, meaningful social connectivity and productive sharing of information. At least that’s what we believe in!
Partner involvement in the UPSURGE project
BURST will be responsible for various steps in the project methodology: first a theoretical fit-for-problem matrix will be developed by BURST based on matchmaking key environmental and socio-economic challenges determined in demonstration cities and targeted NBS performance capacities. Besides BURST will lead on working out the multimodal sensing system, which will be established in the 5 demonstration cities combining vertical, horizontal, micro-location (citizen-based) and pollutant-specific measurements.
BURST is also responsible to support with professional knowledge the demonstration site in Budapest, district XVIII.