In-depth analysis of ongoing research about urban residents’ preferences for NBS has been published with the title “Leveraging nature for just cities: Planning nature-based solutions in Greece” in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. The research discusses important aspect of social justice in cities when it comes to residents’ access to NbS and green spaces.
Initial analysis of the greater survey conducted across six European cities gave interesting insight into different preferences across the continent. This study delves into deeper analysis of the survey responses from Greece. The survey methodology applied by BOKU – one of our UPSURGE partners – used a choice experiment to investigate what trade-offs residents are willing to make in order to have greener neighborhoods and reap the benefits of NbS. A latent class analysis among Greek residents illustrated how urban segregation causes unequal distribution of green areas and consequently also the exposure to climate change effects. Addressing aspects of environmental justice, participation and power this paper discusses different abilities and willingness to support NBS and recommends how green infrastructure and NbS can be implemented in order to grow environmental justice in our cities and provide access to NbS benefits to those who need it most.
The results of this study are important for planners and city administration as we consider not only the environmental benefits but also the social aspects NBS and greening our urban environments carries with it. The full publication is available open access and we invite you to take a look. We hope the results are food for thought and will spark conversations about the multiple benefits NBS bring to our cities and communities.
For more information and to read the complete publication (open access), please visit: